Hótel Reykjavík Grand
Green parking ehf. handles the operation of parking lots inside the parking garage for Hótel Reykjavík Grand as well as services for car owners in connection with the use of the parking lots.
Only the parking lot inside the parking garage are chargeable.
115 parking spaces are available in the area as well as two ways to drive inside and outside.
Markings with information signs about chargeable parking are visible inside the parking garage as well as by the entrance.
Chargeable parking lot from 08.00 to 19.00.
- Parking lot: 250 ISK.- pr. hour
- Maximum price per day: 4.500 ISK.-
Pay by using a Kiosk in the area or the Easy Park app where you can fill out information about the vehicle and pay for parking.
You can insert information about the vehicle into the app EasyPark, including "CameraPark", which can be checked for automatic payments to take place.
Non-payment fee
A non-payment fee is imposed on a car in a paid parking lot when it is shown that no payment has been made for the car or payment has been made for too short a time. Claims for non-payment of fees are based on the social security number of the car owner or occupier, if he is registered in the vehicle register. The claim appears the same day in online banking/banking app. If the fee is not paid within 14 days of assessment, the claim is sent to intermediate collection and possibly to the collection of a lawyer with the associated costs.
- Non-payment fee: ISK 5,500.-
Notes due to imposition
The car owner or occupier can make a note regarding the imposition of a non- or underpaid charge within 14 days of the imposition of the charge on the vehicle. Such a note is entered in the "Contact" column and there you select "Service". It contains basic information such as the vehicle number and the location of the parking area.
A reply will be sent by email within 14 days of the note's receipt.
Further information can be provided by Green Parking Customer Service via telephone:
+354 470 2450 or send an e-mail: hjalp@greenparking.is.
Information about how to start parking via Easy Park app.
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