How can we help you?
How does this top day-pass work?
Every location has got a maximum daily rate (charge per day). Therefore, if you have registered the car within the system, you won't have to pay more every day than the maximum daily rate.
What invoice is this in my bank?
Our locations have various payment solutions to use. If a person does not register the car within the system, either through Easypark or a kiosk, a non-payment fee claim will appear in the car owner's bank account.
Do you own the location?
No, we operate the location for the parking lot owners. We oversee finance, build, maintain and operate.
I would like to file a dispute in regards to an invoice
Please contact Green parking, We will evaluate your information and be in touch with you.
Can I pay after I have left?
You can only pay at the location via kiosk machine. If you've left the area, then you must contact our customer service via +3544702450 so the charge can be inserted into the kiosk. A non-payment fee claim will be dropped after the payment via kiosk machine has been made.
I have an invoice in my bank but I paid for my parking
If a wrong location has been chosen via Easy Park app, then a non-payment claim may appear. Then you can contact the company that received the payment from you to wish for a refund. However, the non-payment claim will not be dropped by us. You need to make sure to choose a correct location with a correct license plate number to avoid a non-payment claim. If a payment was correctly made within the right location, then you can file a ticket by clicking here: