Borgartún 18

Green parking ehf. handles the operation of parking lots for Borgartún 18 as well as services for car owners in connection with the use of the parking lots.

The parking lot that is in front of the house is chargeable.

Markings for chargeable parking are visible with information signs.

Chargeable parking lot between 08:00 AM - 17:00 PM every weekday.

Use the Easy Park app to fill out information about the vehicle and to pay for parking.


  • Parking lot: 600 ISK.- pr. hour
  • Maximum price per day: 4.500 ISK.-

Register the car via Easy Park app straight after arrival as the app defines the first two hours as free of charge. Local area number 400 should pop up when you arrive in the area.

A security guard will be in the area to look after what cars have not registered their vehicle in the Easy Park app. Those who don't register the car will receive an invoice for parking as a non-payment fee: 4.500 ISK.-

Further information can be provided by Green Parking Customer Service via telephone:

+354 470 2450 or send an e-mail:

Information about how to start parking via Easy Park app.

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